More News and Opinion Not from Regime Media

Ryan McMaken ( War Hysteria Fuels New Attacks on Free Speech

Dave DeCamp ( Blinken Justifies Zelensky’s Decision To Cancel Ukrainian Elections

John Whitehead ( A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

Thomas DiLorenzo ( Christian Worship of the False God of Politics

Edward Lozansky ( Time for a Change in Washington

John-Michael Dumais ( ‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme

Able Child ( National Mental Health Survey Fails to Ask about Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs

David Stockman ( Washington DC: The Unaffordable and Unnecessary War Capital of the World

Joseph Mercola ( Could Covid Shots Trigger ‘Avalanche’ of a Contagious Form of Dementia?

Pierre Kory ( The Overton Window Is Opening More Widely on Public’s Understanding of Problems with Covid Vaccines

Michael McKay ( PlanDemic Unraveling: 6-Foot Social Distancing Rule During COVID Not Based On Scientific Evidence, Ex-NIH Director Testifies

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos ( Mark Milley Throws U.S. Military under the Bus for Israel

Jonathon Van Maren ( Canadian Euthanasia Doctor Gushes about How Much She Enjoys Killing People

Donald Jeffries ( Whistling Past the National Train Wreck

Laurence Vance ( Chestfeeding

George Leef ( Social Justice Fallacies

More on the “Antisemitism” Controversy, Israel and Zionism

Jacob Hornberger ( The Antisemitism Controversy Shows the Wisdom of the First Amendment

Thomas Knapp ( We’ve Already Got an ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act.’ It’s Called the First Amendment.

Lew Rockwell ( Beware of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

Sheldon Richman ( What Is Self-Determination?

Jeremy Hammond How Israel Supported Hamas Against the PLO

Jefferson Morley ( The CIA and Zionism: A Complex History

Brian McGlinchey ( George Washington Warned Against A “Passionate Attachment” To Israel

Karen Kwiatkowski ( Next Up, Realism!

More News and Commentary

James Bovard ( Psychiatry is Vexing Americans and Subverting Freedom

Jacob Hornberger ( The U.S. Defeat in Vietnam Changed Nothing

Andrew Napolitano ( Is Your Car Spying on You?

John Whitehead ( Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms

Laurence Vance ( America Needs a Great Reset

Adam Dick ( The Republican U.S. House Leadership Loves the Nanny State

Grant Dahl ( Secession Only for Socialists?

Paul Craig Roberts ( Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?

Edward Curtin, Jr. ( The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was a Conspiracy

Anthony Scott ( Pfizer Reports Young Boy Dies from Cardiac Arrest After Participating in Gene Therapy Study

A Midwestern Doctor ( How We Can Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty

Ron Paul ( Will the Fed Lose Control?

Vladek Filler ( Feminists Silent as Germany Allows Gang Rapes and Prosecution of Women for Speaking Out

Doug Casey ( Welcome to the Warfare State

More News and Opinion (Not from Regime Media)

Laurence Vance ( The Flat Tax Revisited Yet Again

Jeffrey Tucker ( The Machinery of Fascism Revisited

Ron Paul ( The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

Joseph Mercola ( More Evidence Showing Vitamin D Combats Cancer

Sheldon Richman ( Another Bogus Antisemitism Scare

Jacob Hornberger ( Why Not Abolish All Foreign Aid?

Dave DeCamp ( Moscow Warns It Will Strike UK Military Targets If British Weapons Are Used in Attacks on Russia

Brownstone Institute ( Book Burning Goes Digital

George F. Smith ( Sound Monetary Policy in Under 40 Words, and ( Public Schools and the State’s Omnipotent Bayonet

Jeffrey Brodsky ( What the Nord Stream Insurers Refusal to Pay Reveals About the Explosions

Walter Block ( Could Privatized Oceans Have Prevented the Baltimore Bridge Collapse?

Reposting My 2017 Post on Donald Trump the Pro-Establishment Socialist

I recently reposted my long 2019 compilation of some posts on immigration. And now I’ve been reminded of my long October 2017 post on how Donald Trump is a socialist and that he’s pro-establishment, not a swamp-drainer. So now I will repost that below, with an addendum.

Yes, The Donald Is a Socialist, And He’s Pro-Establishment

October 11, 2017

Talk about the “pot calling the kettle black.” At the UN General Assembly, Donald Trump, with a straight face, said that “the problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”

And he said that with a straight face not because he’s an actor but because he really believes he’s being critical of socialism, while at the same time he himself is a diehard socialist. And I’ve been saying this for a long time now.

Trump also declared: “From the Soviet Union to Cuba, Venezuela — wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish, devastation, and failure.”

How ironic, given that he is presiding over a federal government which implements one failed or failing socialist program after another, and he himself loves the welfare state and the warfare state. And he’s shyster and a con man to boot.

So after Trump’s failed effort to repeal ObamaCare and liberate the people and their medical matters, now it’s Trump’s so-called tax reform scam-shell game. The feds probably will lower taxes for the higher income people, but they will raise taxes on the lower and middle classes. Read Ron Paul’s commentary on the Trump tax proposals. And David Stockman’s analyses of the Trump tax plan proposals here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Also Veronique de Rugy, Tax Policy Center, Rand Paul, and Jeff Deist at the Mises Institute.

And on health care issue and other issues, Trump has expressed the need for compromise with Democrats. He is now with Sen. Chuck Schumer who says that repealing ObamaCare is “off the table.”

Why do those who say they favor free-market capitalism and freedom continue to believe this guy?

But all this is no surprise to those of us who could see early on that Trump has always been a Big Government tax-and-spend socialist, certainly not a conservative, and certainly not a free-market capitalist.

For example, in my November 20, 2016 post asserting that Trump is a central-planning socialist, I wrote:

Donald Trump is also against free markets in the medical care and insurance industries. For many years he has been advocating nationalized, universal health care. And this past year in interviews he has promoted an expanded medicaid-for-all scheme, but says he wants “competition,” and so forth. Here he is with Scott Pelley:

However, even though Trump says he wants private competition, when he says that he still wants the government to take care of those who can’t take care of themselves, he is really advocating a public option, which, as the leftist schemers know well, will eventually put the free-market insurers out of business, because the government insurer need not worry about competing.

And a while ago, I could already see that “businessman” Donald Trump was against free-market capitalism. For example, on April 30, 2011, I wrote:

Along with all the obscenities that show how much class he really has, Trump proclaimed his lack of knowledge of economics and understanding of basic principles, including,

“They (Saudi Arabia) go in and raise the price of oil, because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and say, ‘You’re not gonna raise that f—— price. You understand me?”

So he wants U.S. government bureaucrats to order the Saudis not to raise prices? Do U.S. officials have that kind of authority over others in other countries? Why doesn’t he look further into the situation as far as why the price or oil and gas is so high now? Has Trump addressed the fact that the U.S. government — with all its wacky, destructive environmental laws and energy regulations — is restricting Americans’ right to explore for and make use of energy resources on their own lands? Could he possibly consider the idea that the people of the states actually have more of a right to control their own lands and resources than the U.S. government has?

If Trump were truly “pro-America,” he would advocate that the people of the states nullify and ignore all federal environmental and energy-related laws and regulations, and drill for oil and gas anyway, and build and use nuclear power plants anyway, regardless of what federal bureaucrats say. Trump could make better use of the f-bomb by telling the U.S. government to go f itself.

And in his fascist stand against American consumers and their right to make choices on a free market, Trump said that he would tell the Chinese, “Listen you motherf——, we’re going to tax you 25%.” Trump has already stated in the past that he “would love to have a trade war with China.”

Trump supports the strong-arm, union-like tactics of Big Government to protect Big Business at the expense of small business, to protect union workers at the expense of non-union workers and American consumers. In other words, the socialist, central planning power of governments to trespass into Americans’ private economic matters (and for political reasons).

And on July 16, 2015, I wrote:

So besides being anti-immigration, Trump also supports trade wars with Mexico and China, and believes that the U.S. government should continue to impose restrictions on Americans’ freedom of trade with foreigners.

It’s yet another disappointment from a businessman turning to the political world, joining the graveyard of businessmen turning to politics Willard Romney, Steve Forbes, Ross Perot, Pete DuPont, and on and on.

For example, instead of threatening to impose further tax burdens on Ford Motor Company for moving manufacturing plants to Mexico, burdens which are then handed down to American consumers, why doesn’t Trump insist that the U.S. government remove the existing tax-thefts, regulatory nightmares, and wage and price controls which are motivating American companies to move out in the first place?

Even worse than Trump’s views on trade (if they can get any worse), he actually supports nationalized health care. In his own words, Trump has stated, “We must have universal healthcare … We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses.”

So the Donald agrees with Obama on health care. But wouldn’t you think a real capitalist would call for repealing all the regulations, taxes, licensure requirements and mandates already imposed by the government which are the real causes of skyrocketing medical expenses?

In my March 15, 2016 American Thinker article on free trade and “making America great again,” I wrote:

Some Presidential candidates such as Donald Trump want to “make America great again.” But how can someone make America “great” when he wants to empower the government to intrude itself into the people’s economic matters? Government-imposed managed trade (a.k.a. “fair” trade) rules, governments imposing punishments on companies locating abroad, etc. — those kinds of intrusions have contributed to making America less great over the past century.

NAFTA (The Orwellian North American “Free Trade” Agreement) and other such agreements do not involve free trade. Those are government agreements which create anti-market bureaucracies, arcane rules and regulations, corporate cartels. Such schemes cause economic distortions resulting in higher prices for consumers and job losses for workers. Donald Trump can no better concoct such deals to “work for Americans” than can Barack Obama come up with an “affordable care act” that works for medical patients.

In my July 10, 2016 Economic Policy Journal article “Libertarians for Socialism,” I wrote:

Sorry. Trump is not a boat-rocker. He is a deal-maker. A cahooter.

Trump believes strongly in making deals, which is fine in the private sector. But government deals are political deals. If conservatives and libertarians think that Trump will not sign bills with more anti-discrimination amendments, tax-raising amendments and on and on, they are kidding themselves.


On healthcare Trump states on his official campaign website that the government must “make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.”

As Trump made clear in his interview last September with Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes, Trump is “going to take care of everybody,” and that “the government’s gonna pay for it.” And he promised to fund all that by raising taxes on the wealthy. In his February appearance on a CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper, Trump stated that while he wants to repeal ObamaCare he nevertheless likes the mandate because he doesn’t want “people dying on the streets.” In reference to his Medicaid expansion proposal (which he referred to as “Medicare” in the CNN interview), Trump stated, “That’s not single payer, by the way. That’s called heart. We gotta take care of people that can’t take care of themselves.”

And by “we” he doesn’t mean private charities or businesses, which is the free-market way, but government, which is the failed socialist way.

In my October 2, 2016 American Thinker article on conservatives’ acceptance of progressive government, I wrote:

All the increased spending Trump wants to impose is the opposite of what the country needs to restore our freedom. Unfortunately, Trump does not seem to understand that the government is not a business. It’s government, a forced monopoly on the people. And regardless of his purported tax-cut plan, the money with which he wants to spend in the trillions is other people‘s money, taken from them involuntarily. Like most politicians, Trump seems to show contempt for free markets, private property and privacy.

And in this January 28, 2016 post, I wrote:

when I hear the delirious Trump-supporting talk radio crowd, yikes, and their sheeple callers. In Trump they are supporting a liberal Democrat who, besides his love for eminent domain, still defends nationalized health care and single payer because he thinks the government should take care of the people, who believes in “fair trade not free trade,” who supports ethanol mandates and subsidies, who supported bailing out Wall Street banks and nationalizing them, and who supported Obama’s shovel-ready stimulus package.

No, not Bernie Sanders, I’m talking about Trump!

And in that same post, as we can now see from Trump’s compromising with Democrats on healthcare, I wrote:

No, sorry to burst your bubble, but Donald Trump will not “shake things up.” If he is so good at deal-making, he will make deals with Congress, he will agree to that dreaded “bipartisan consensus” that has already taken America down economically and morally.

Regarding Trump’s authenticity in being an “anti-Establishment” shaker-upper of The System, I wrote on April 28, 2016:

Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009, and has gone back and forth between Republican and independent at other times. He has also contributed thousands and thousands of dollars to Democrat hacks, particularly during the mid-2000s to help bring back the Democrat majority in Congress. It is probably not because Trump wants some kind of “quid pro quo,” as he has maintained, but because he agrees with Democrats on many issues. And for those reasons I have asked in the past whether Trump is really a straw candidate and on behalf of Democrats or more specifically Hillary. I have also noted that in this interview (at a little after 11:00) with Hannity, Trump makes a possible Freudian slip when he says, “I want to beat the Republicans,” and he wasn’t referring to the primaries but the general election. But whatever. You can have him.

Justin Raimondo has said he’s not supporting, only “rooting for” Donald Trump. Raimondo points to this article by Murray Rothbard, who gives three reasons to defend demagogues. One is because “they disrupt the body politic and stir things up.” So far so good. Trump is doing that. But the other reasons are that the demagogue appeals directly to the masses’ base emotions and goes over the heads of the State’s “bodyguards,” the “intellectuals” and the mainstream media who traditionally mold public opinion. However, Rothbard notes that the reason to support this kind of demagogue is because that demagogue is bringing “the truth” directly to the people. That is clearly not what Trump is doing. Trump is merely mirroring the anti-free market masses’ authoritarian-statist impulses, Build a government wall, restrict the rights of businesses and laborers to sell their products, services and labor as they see fit, restrict the rights of American consumers, and so forth. Trump’s message is, in other words, nothing any actual libertarians should support. Trump is anti-liberty, anti-private property, and anti-free markets if anyone ever was.

So Trump appeals to authoritarians and collectivists, those conservatives and nationalists who love central planning as the answer to “America’s problems,” whatever they might be.

And I then wrote on April 30, 2016:

there have been plenty of wake-ups and rising up, such as with the 2011-2012 Occupy movement, the 2009-2011 Tea Party movement, and, in earlier times, the 1994 “Republican Revolution,” the 1980 “Reagan Revolution,” and so on. I don’t think this Trumpist nationalist populism is going to result in any kind of revolution as Raimondo seems to be hoping for. That is because many amongst the masses support an even further expansion of the federal government’s power and control: many of them are very anti-foreigner, anti-immigrant and they want a government wall on the border. Many of them are being bamboozled into accepting the post-9/11 police state, because they believe the FedGov’s exaggerations of threats by radical Islamic extremists. And many of them are just very easily romanced by Trump’s foul-mouthed, degenerate mindset. No, these people don’t want true change, they don’t want to dismantle much of the government, they want it expanded, they are not particularly supportive of restoring our freedom. If they were, they would have supported Ron Paul in 2012.

Regarding Trump’s recent threats to make use of tax laws to force NFL players to stand for the national anthem, I had written on my December 14, 2016 post:

If you think that just because Donald Trump has spoken out against political correctness and therefore he is for freedom of speech, think again. I think that freedom of speech, freedom of thought and conscience and freedom of expression, freedom of the Press, and the right to express criticism of the ruling bureaucrats, are such fundamentally important rights, that that is probably why the writers of the Bill of Rights made all that a part of their very first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I am not sure just how devoted Trump will be to tolerating the freedom of the Press, protests, and dissent, when in the past he has taken people to court to sue them for libel or to otherwise shut them up.

And in this September 10, 2015 post, I wrote:

Donald Trump’s arrogant personality has for years been out there for all to see. So there’s nothing new during the current Presidential clownfest in that regard. However, in an interview with the author of a new biography on him, Trump is quoted, stating: “For the most part, you can’t respect people because most people aren’t worthy of respect.” And it sounds like that isn’t even taken out of context, because how could you do that? I think that one statement tells us about what Donald Trump really thinks of other people. (Not much.) …

So I can see why Trump is such an economic ignoramus and an arrogant buffoon. I hope that by now the group “Libertarians for Trump” has disbanded. Please. (Hmm, and I also hope that Trump doesn’t send one of his CIA drones over my home for writing these things.)

Finally, to get a sense of who the real Donald Trump is, watch as Donald Trump contradicts and disagrees with Donald Trump (NB: some foul language):

End of that long October 2017 post.


I wrote that post in October 2017. Here is a brief follow-up. The Trump tax cuts were signed into law in December 2017. The corporate tax cuts were made permanent, but the individual tax cuts were made to expire, with some parts having expired in 2021, some in 2022, and so on. And the final full expiration of the Trump tax cuts will be in 2025. Biden will not extend the tax cuts.

So, the Trump individual tax cuts were a scam and a shell game, in the long run. See the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities December 2017 article, Millions of Households Face Tax Increase or No Tax Benefit Under Republican Tax Bill. See this more recent article on The Hill.

And Trump was a “spend-like-a-drunken-sailor” socialist, as he wouldn’t cut spending in any meaningful way. See this March 2018 update on the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget’s U.S. Budget Outlook. See this recent article at Reason on both Trump and Biden bankrupting the country. And see Laurence Vance on Trump and Republicans Making America Socialist Again, on Republicans as efficiency experts for the welfare state, and Vance’s 2018 article on what Republicans could have done with a Republican majority under Trump, but didn’t.

Biden Ukraine Warmonger

At Libertarian Institute Ted Snider writes Troops on the Ground: Biden’s Plan for Ukraine

It has already been revealed that the military bureaucrats in Washington know that Ukraine will not win the war. We know this thanks to Jack Teixeira who released those Pentacon docs and is now facing years in prison for letting the American people know the truth.

This means that the recent billions the U.S. CONgress squandered away for Ukraine was mainly a tax-looted handout for corrupt Zelenskyites and “defense” CONtractors. That’s bad enough. But putting U.S. troops in Ukraine to fight more foreign wars that our revered bureaucrats know will not be won is criminal. Just like in Vietnam when they continued to send Americans to their deaths knowing that the U.S. would not win that war, especially following the Pentagon Papers’ disclosures.

I had further discussion of the Jack Teixeira case and links to several other articles on that in this recent post.

So, we just heard about various people now being awarded with the Medal of “Freedom,” including John Kerry, Michael Bloomberg, Al Gore and Nancy Lugosi, some of the worst of the worst, the most ANTI-Freedom bureaucrats inflicted on America.

But if the Medal of Freedom meant what its title says, you might as well award the Medal of Freedom to Jack Teixeira, whose actions let the American people know the truth about U.S. government and the Ukraine war. (And also consider a Medal of Freedom for Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers leaker, posthumously.) 

More Informative Articles on Government Hooligans and Medical Idiocy

Ryan McMaken ( The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

Caitlin Johnstone ( The ‘Antisemitism’ Moral Panic Has Officially Jumped the Shark

Laurence Vance ( A Question for Christians Who Support Foreign Aid to Israel

Murray Polner (, written in the year 2000): The May 4th Deaths: Kent State 54 Years Ago

Joseph Mercola ( Multiple Covid Shots Linked to Higher Mortality Rates in 18- to 39-Year-Olds, and ( Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases

Grant Dahl ( Put Not Your Trust in Speakers

Kevin Bardosh & Jay Bhattarcharya ( The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes

Aaron Maté ( What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy)

Bob Unruh ( Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of ‘Contagious’ Covid-Shot Dementia

John-Michael Dumais ( ‘The Level of Foolishness Here is Unprecedented’: Researchers Pitch ‘One-and-Done’ Covid-Flu Vaccine for Babies

Stephen Halbrook ( ATF Redefines ‘Engaged in the Business’

Daily Caller ( ‘I Don’t Get It’: Biden’s Chief Econ Advisor Struggles To Explain Theory Underpinning ‘Bidenomics,’ Mass Spending

Life Site News ( One in Five Mail-In Voters Admitted to Committing Voter Fraud During 2020 Election: Rasmussen Poll

Gateway Pundit ( The Left’s Election Industrial Complex  Discovered and Defined

Remove Immigration from Government Central Planners’ Control

Besides the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflicts for 8 decades and the current college campus riots associated with all that, America’s own self-caused immigration “crisis” is also continuing in an ongoing basis. The real problem is the government’s central-planning apparatus which Biden-Obama have been using to bring the Third World into America. Said central-planing apparatus shouldn’t exist.

So, I’m being reminded of a compilation of posts I did here in 2019 on the immigration issue which addresses many of the arguments, mainly by libertarians and conservatives. Sadly, many libertarians and most conservatives reject private property, free exchange and free association and instead believe in dependence on government central planners to protect them.

So, here is a reposting of my original post from 2019 on these immigration issues.

In the post, Freedom Matters, I wrote:

In the article, titled “Culture Matters,” the writer Jim Cox compares the U.S. territory and its public or collective ownership to a condominium made up of several buildings with commonly owned areas, in which the condo owners “own the land between the 27 buildings and the pavement in common and own only our individual units separately.”

And he continues: “This is a very analogous situation to US citizens owning private property as well as public property via government. The condominium association has rules about people coming onto the common property.”

In Cox’s example, each condo owner buys one’s own unit with the rules of the condo association in mind.

Already Cox confuses private and public property. The entire territory of a country is not a commonly owned parcel of private property and can’t be compared to that.

Outside of each individually-owned unit, the property of the condo buildings and real estate is commonly owned by the condo owners. But it is still all private property.

In contrast, “public property” is supposedly publicly owned. Actually, as Jim Davies pointed out, public property is unowned. Either no one has actually legitimately homesteaded or honestly acquired it, or it was owned but the bureaucrats of the State have seized and occupy it.

Many individuals, groups and business owners own individual parcels of private property. But it’s more difficult to define who the actual owners of public property are. An intruder onto the condo property is trespassing onto private property. But if the “public” supposedly owns non-privately-owned public property, just which part of the public can be considered an owner or an “intruder”? “Citizens” or non-citizens? Taxpayers or non-taxpayers?

As I asked in this critique of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, what about non-taxpaying citizens, such as those who work but don’t earn enough to be required to pay income taxes? Are they less owners of the “public” property? Are they “intruders”? What about working, taxpaying non-citizens?

And what exactly is a “citizen”? As Carl Watner notes, a “citizen” is a “member of the State.” Other sources define citizen as someone who is legally recognized by the government. But who is the government to “recognize” or authorize someone as legitimate?

Sadly, statists look to the ruling government bureaucrats for validation. But just who exactly are the ruling bureaucrats, and what exactly is the State?

As Murray Rothbard has pointed out (.pdf) in his Anatomy of the State,

The State provides a legal, orderly, systematic channel for the predation of private property; it renders certain, secure, and relatively “peaceful” the lifeline of the parasitic caste in society. Since production must always precede predation, the free market is anterior to the State. The State has never been created by a “social contract”; it has always been born in conquest and exploitation.

And, in his great treatise The Ethics of Liberty, Rothbard asserts,

Thus, the State is a coercive criminal organization that subsists by a regularized large-scale system of taxation-theft, and which gets away with it by engineering the support of the majority (not, again, of everyone) through securing an alliance with a group of opinion-moulding intellectuals whom it rewards with a share in its power and pelf.

But there is another vital aspect of the State that needs to be considered. There is one critical argument for the State that now comes into view: namely, the implicit argument that the State apparatus really and properly owns the territorial area over which it claims jurisdiction. The State, in short, arrogates to itself a monopoly of force, of ultimate decision-making power, over a given territorial area — larger or smaller depending on historical conditions, and on how much it has been able to wrest from other States.

If the State may be said to properly own its territory, then it is proper for it to make rules for anyone who presumes to live in that area. It can legitimately seize or control private property because there is no private property in its area, because it really owns the entire land surface. So long as the State permits its subjects to leave its territory, then, it can be said to act as does any other owner who sets down rules for people living on his property.

So what we have from Cox is the collectivist notion of a common ownership of a territory. He writes: “Until we can shift to a Private Property Society we are stuck with a government handling immigration.”

Unfortunately, “government handling immigration” is the police state that we have now. Bureaucrats empowering border control agents to violate due process rights, arrest innocent people who have not harmed anyone, arresting employers for not getting government permission to hire a worker, arresting workers who are peacefully making a living, an out-of-control “ICE” working to take citizenship away from naturalized citizens, storm troopers ripping whole families apart. All this because the people have gullibly empowered a centralized government to decide who is and who isn’t on the premises legitimately.

And Cox lists “negative cultural traits” of possible immigrants that people wouldn’t want to invite in. He neglects to mention, however, that it’s the government planners (that we are “stuck with”) who are responsible for bringing in the violent criminals he mentions.

But the collectivist-minded writer is putting ALL immigrants into one big group, the “undesirables,” the riffraff and the actual violent criminals, all lumped together with the peaceful people, the hard-working laborers, the honest folks.

Whatever happened to the individualism and free markets that used to be associated with libertarianism? Whatever happened to presumption of innocence? If you don’t suspect an individual of something, leave him alone.

And why would libertarians want bureaucrats to control markets, labor and employment? “We’re all socialists, now”?

Regarding the crime problem, the rapes and assaults, murders, etc., why are the anti-immigration crowd so bent on being dependent on centralized bureaucrats and government police for their protection from criminals? Why don’t they ever bring up the right of the people to keep and bear arms? They only seem to bring that up when the gun control debate is in the news.

When criminals know ahead of time that their prospective victims are armed there would be far fewer rapes, assaults and murders, and attempted rapes, assaults and murders. That would be the same with violent foreigners entering the territory, no?

Is the “culture” stuff actually more important to these immigration critics than their security? So instead of promoting the right of people to keep and bear arms and use the arms to protect themselves from actual criminals, the anti-immigration crowd are more concerned with promoting government-controlled social engineering.

And to say that someone not violating the person or property of another, who is peacefully exercising one’s freedom of movement to find a better life for himself and one’s family, is a “criminal,” is to not understand the libertarian non-aggression principle.


In the post, Walter Williams on Immigration: Very Collectivist-Minded, I wrote:

Walter Williams has been considered very “libertarian” in his thinking and his writing, although a conservative libertarian. He has been great in his essays raking the political correctness crowd and the college hystericals over the coals, and his books Up from the Projects and Race and Economics should be read by everyone, especially the youngins in college if they want to get a dose of reality in life.

However, when it comes to nationalism and immigration it seems he is less libertarian and, unfortunately, extremely collectivist, and his latest article on that subject is no exception. So, I feel I must fisk Dr. Williams on this one, because clarification of the issues, ideas and principles is necessary here.

First, Williams asks,

How many Norwegians have illegally entered our nation, committed crimes and burdened our prison and welfare systems? I might ask the same question about Finnish, Swedish, Welsh, Icelanders, Greenlanders and New Zealanders.

How many U.S. citizens who are here legally commit crimes against others? And who has committed more crimes against the American people, immigrants or the government in Washington (and the bureaucrats of the state and city governments)? (Answer: It’s governments, no contest.)

Williams continues:

The bulk of our immigration problem is with people who enter our country criminally from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. It’s illegal immigrants from those countries who have committed crimes and burdened our criminal justice and welfare systems.

No, the bulk of our immigration problem is that immigrants from those “undesirable” countries are brought in under the control of government bureaucrats in Washington. The bureaucrats have no incentive to strive for better outcomes in their policies because government bureaucrats are not accountable. They have a monopoly in their control over immigration, and monopolists are not accountable.

In the debate about illegal immigration, there are questions that are not explicitly asked but can be answered with a straight “yes” or “no”: Does everyone in the world have a right to live in the U.S.? Do Americans have a right to decide who and under what conditions a person may enter our country? Should we permit foreigners landing at our airports to ignore U.S. border control laws just as some ignore our laws at our southern border?

“Does everyone in the world have a right to live in the U.S.?” This is not a “yes” or “no” question. Everyone has a right to live wherever one finds it to be a better place for oneself and one’s family, as long as one doesn’t violate the persons or property of others. I know, some people have the mistaken belief that the U.S. territory is “our” property, and outsiders entering the territory sans authorization are “trespassing.” Nope. The territory contains many, many parcels of private property. The owners of the private property have the ultimate right to decide who enters and who does not enter their private property, not the community, and not the government. This applies to people’s homes, their businesses, churches, and so on.

“Do Americans have a right to decide who and under what conditions a person may enter our country?” Again, not a “yes” or “no” question. Many people believe that Americans as a group, by majority rule, have a right to decide those things, and that the government has the authority (constitutional or moral) to implement those decisions, regardless of a private property owner or employer’s decision to invite someone. If the collectivists’ vision were the case (as it currently is now), then we don’t really have private property rights, and the majority of the territory’s population and the government really are the ultimate decision makers of who may enter private property.

“Should we permit foreigners landing at our airports to ignore U.S. border control laws just as some ignore our laws at our southern border?” Why is there “U.S. border control”? That’s referring to U.S. government border control, which is a police state now. A “100-mile Constitution-free zone”!

And then Williams gets into the cultural aspects of the problems of today:

People who came here in the 19th century and most of the 20th century came here to learn our language, learn our customs and become Americans. Years ago, there was a guarantee that immigrants came here to work, because there was no welfare system; they worked, begged or starved. Today, there is no such assurance. Because of our welfare state, immigrants can come here and live off taxpaying Americans.

Then get rid of the welfare state! THAT’s the answer to that problem. It’s the welfare state that FDR and LBJ (and Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, et al., ad nauseam) have forced on us. Dr. Williams has many times written in his articles that it is immoral to take earnings from one person to give to another, by force. Why doesn’t he say outright here that involuntary contracts and theft (i.e. taxation), Social Security, Medicare and all their spin-offs should be abolished?

There is another difference between today and yesteryear. Today, Americans are taught multiculturalism throughout their primary, secondary and college education. They are taught that one culture is no better or worse than another. To believe otherwise is criticized at best as Eurocentrism and at worst as racism.

Well, that’s because governments in the U.S., federal, state and local government, control education in America! Get the government out of education, completely! And THAT’s the answer to that problem, this “multiculturalism” crapola. You think that an all-private schools system, without any government handouts and without the imposition of monopolistic government bureaucrats’ sick, irrational, kooky claptrap would survive in an educational free market?

Very unfortunate for our nation is that we have political groups that seek to use illegal immigration for their own benefit. They’ve created sanctuary cities and states that openly harbor criminals — people who have broken our laws.

That’s because “sanctuary cities” are run by city governments — THAT’s the problem! Bureaucrats should not be empowered to get involved in bringing in foreigners, unless those actual bureaucrats invite the foreign visitors or workers to live in their homes, the bureaucrats‘ own homes, and they pay for their visitors, not the taxpayers. Sadly, government bureaucrats mainly just want to have as much welfare parasites (and voters) brought in, because getting reelected and expanding their tax-funded racket is what bureaucrats really care about.

And also, it’s not really about “legal” vs. “illegal” with many of today’s anti-immigration conservatives, unfortunately. A lot of this anti-immigration stuff is just coming from a collectivist, nationalist anti-foreigner mentality. “We are all one ‘family,’ and we don’t want ‘them’ invading ‘our’ home,” and all that. I’m hearing that on a constant, daily basis from the conservative talk radio personalities and their dittohead followers calling in.

This immigration stuff is mainly to do with a collectivist nationalism, which is not what “America” is all about. America was all about individualism and private property, NOT collectivism and collective ownership of a territory that overrules the will of the private property owner.

And “America” is also not about central planning as well. Most of the early Americans who founded the country would not have agreed to empowering central planning bureaucrats to have authority over controlling immigration matters. Leave those matters up to Americans themselves, not the government.


And finally, in Immigration and Private vs. Public Property, I critiqued a speech by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, in which I wrote, among other things:

Unfortunately Hoppe gets into some confusion between private property and “public property,” and some of his “rights to exclusion” seem quite collectivist, in my view. He seems to advocate a public, collective right to exclusion, whereas the only legitimate right to exclusion is the private property owner’s right to exclusion, and the individual self-owner’s right to exclusion, and the right to inclusion as well.

For instance, Hoppe states: “In a fully privatized libertarian order there exists no such thing as a right to free immigration. Private property implies borders and the owner’s right to exclude at will.”

But he goes on to say that “’public property’ has borders as well.” Wait a minute, the “public property” borders he’s talking about are government-drawn borders, therefore they are not legitimate.

Hoppe states that public property “is not unowned. It is the property of domestic tax-payers and most definitely not the property of foreigners.”

I have some questions here, using the U.S. as an example. Just how did the taxpayers come to own such “public property”? Did they inherit the property? Was it by way of a voluntary contract? Or was such ownership imposed on them involuntarily along with the tax-thefts that were imposed on them involuntarily?

My answer is that, if there is any ownership at all of so-called public property, and he suggests the owners are the taxpayers, then of course such ownership is involuntary just as are the tax-thefts imposed on them. Therefore, such ownership is lacking in any moral justification.

Some further questions: Millions of undocumented workers’ presence and labor in the U.S. have not received proper bureaucrat-parasite authorization, but they have paid billions of dollars in federal taxes. And while some of their legitimate, honest earnings are withheld by employers to pay the feds the demanded booty, they are nevertheless ineligible for Social Security from those earnings. But they are “taxpayers.” Do they thus share in ownership of U.S. “public property”?

And also, do you divide ranks in “public property” ownership”? For instance, do very wealthy people have a higher percentage of ownership than lower-class workers, and thus have more ownership rights of control than the others? What if many wealthy progressive thinkers have a larger percentage of ownership/control, and want to have marijuana dispensaries, abortion clinics, etc. on “public property,” but a minority of the tax-payers disagree with that scheme? Is that legitimate?

When Hoppe says that public property is the “property of domestic tax-payers and most definitely not the property of foreigners,” what about domestic non-taxpayers? What about “citizens” (non-foreigners) who do work for a living, but don’t make enough to be required to have to pay income taxes? Are they denied rights of exclusion or inclusion because of this? So in other words, those who don’t pay the feds anything in tax-thefts should have the same denied rights of access to public property as the foreigners/non-“citizens”?

And also, it seems here in Hoppe’s justification of taxpayers’ involuntary ownership of public property he apparently, at least for this topic, accepts the State’s existence. Although he does admit that “the State is a criminal organization,” but its inaction regarding border control “will lead to even more and much graver injustices, in particular to the domestic citizenry.” Does Hoppe here seem to abandon his description of so-called “fake libertarians” at the very beginning of the speech, in which he says a “fake libertarian” is one who “affirms or advocates” “the necessity of a State” or “of public or State property”?

Now back to Hoppe’s recent speech (as shown at the top), he states that “immigration must be by invitation only,” and that “immigrants must be productive people and hence, be barred from all domestic welfare payments.” But he gets into a lengthy discussion of his proposed rules that seem very central planning-like, in my view.

For instance, immigrants “or their inviting party must place a bond with the community in which they are to settle, and which is to be forfeited and lead to the immigrant’s deportation should he ever become a public burden.”

And with whom in the community will such a bond be placed? Who is to be in charge of that? What if a foreigner peacefully travels to the community and doesn’t give anyone a bond?

So are you saying that the immigrant is morally obligated to pay some third party some payment, without any voluntary, mutually-agreeable contract? What if he finds a room to rent or buys a home, who is it that owns the property? Does the individual landlord or property seller own the property, or does the community share in ownership of those properties? Is the entire community collectively owned by its inhabitants (regardless of separate private property parcels)?

It seems to me that Hoppe is suggesting that the community shares in ownership of property within the community. Not good.

In the just society, each property owner has full, 100% sovereignty over one’s property and its property title that he and only he may decide to whom to transfer, and he and only he may decide to whom to rent, and for whatever reason.

Hoppe continues: “As well, every immigrant, inviting party or employer should not only pay for the immigrant’s upkeep or salary, but must also pay the residential community for the additional wear and tear of its public facilities associated with the immigrant’s presence, so as to avoid the socialization of any and all costs incurred with his settlement.”

Who is going to decide how much “wear and tear” one immigrant has caused or might cause in the future? Who has the authority to charge the employer such a fee and decide how much to charge? Sounds very central-planning, if you ask me.

This all sounds very communal or “private club”-like to me, and seems to abandon the principles of private property and freedom of association. My neighbor doesn’t own my property and has no authority to dictate to me whom to let on my property, quite frankly.

And Hoppe continues: “Moreover, even before his admission, every potential immigrant invitee must be carefully screened and tested not only for his productivity but also for cultural affinity (or ‘good neighborliness’)…”

“Carefully screened”? By whom? The employer? Landlord? Prospective home seller? The community? Who will be in charge of this? Who owns the lives of the immigrants? Do they lose their self-ownership when moving to a new territory, even though they are peaceful and there’s no reason to think they might be a burden on the public? What if some family from a different area just moves into a home they’ve bought or rented and they don’t submit to screening, and there’s no reason to suspect them of not having “good neighborliness”? How about just letting property owners, businessmen and home sellers make those decisions, not by some some preset rules but by random events that take into account multiple, spontaneous factors? Whatever happened to Hoppe’s promotion of “Natural Order”?

So Hoppe’s “right of exclusion” seems to mean that the collective public may decide who gets in and who stays out. But how? By some sort of democratic vote? How else could a large group, such as U.S. taxpayers who supposedly own the public property, be able to come to a decision regarding who gets in and who stays out?

The true free market way is when an individual anywhere in the world who wants to make a better life for himself and his family travels to wherever he sees an opportunity, as long as he doesn’t violate the persons or property of another. He can rent a home or purchase one from a willing landlord or seller. And the property owner who rents out or sells a home is the owner, not his neighbors or the community.

I don’t see any moral obligation to pay the community some advance tribute, as the aforementioned family never entered into any contract with the “community,” only the employer, landlord or home seller, etc.

The end.

More Non-Regime Articles with Truth and Common Sense

Ryan McMaken ( Speaker Mike Johnson Continues the GOP’s War against Freedom, and The Problem with Microlibertarianism

Michael Boldin ( The Founders’ Case for a Strong Militia over Standing Armies

John Whitehead ( Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News

Andrew Napolitano ( Killing the Constitution

Jonathan Turley ( “Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election

James Bovard ( The World Economic Forum Is Still Conspiring Against Your Freedom

Jacob Hornberger ( Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the JFK Assassination

Jeffrey Tucker ( Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?

Connor O’Keeffe ( Cowardice, Not Courage, Led House Republicans to Side with the Democrats

Ron Paul ( TikTok Hypocrisy

Brett Wilkins ( Report Sounds Alarm Over Growing Role of Big Tech in U.S. Military-Industrial Complex

Caitlin Johnstone ( Israel Is Turning Hospitals into Mass Graves While the West Fixates on ‘Antisemitism’

Aaron Sobczak ( Does Libertarianism Reject Communities? Libertarianism Actually Strengthens Them

Jim Hoft ( FBI Pledge Weekend: Patriot Front Group Marches in Downtown Charleston, West Virginia – Elon Musk Weighs In

Mike Maharrey ( Thomas Jefferson’s Warnings and Predictions about the Dangers of Money-Printing

Gary Barnett ( Milei Is Little More Than a Political Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Beware the False ‘Libertarian’ Hype

Daniel McAdams ( Tin Soldiers and Nixon Coming…

Charles Burris ( William F. Buckley Jr.

David Stockman (, excerpts from new book, Trump’s War on Capitalism): The Myth of the MAGA Economy, The Donald’s Disastrous Fourth Year— But Don’t Blame the Covid, A Big Spender’s League All of His Own, and The Rising Tide Which Lifted All the Yachts

College Campus “Protesters” – Going after … Jews? Huh?

The past several months Israeli government response to the October 7th Hamas attack has been extreme, so far murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza. 

I disagree with the people rationalizing the mass murders and near total destruction of Gaza. It’s always immoral and unjustifiable to kill innocent human beings. 

Remember, killing an innocent human being is not “defense.”

However, the protests going on on college campuses? “WTF?” as some people might say. Brainwashed youngins are robotically chanting kooky slogans to criticize Israel and Zionism. Sure, I have criticized Israel and Zionism. Most recently, here, here, and here.

But it seems that a vocal minority of the college protesters are also criticizing Jews in general. Like anyone who happens to be Jewish has any responsibility for atrocities in Gaza. 

You see, years of indoctrination at the government schools inculcate this collectivist mentality. 

But it is also years of collectivist mindset since 9/11. For example, the corporate “news” media’s 20-year long propaganda of “Muslim-Muslim-Muslim,” “Arab-Arab-Arab,” etc. And I know that many of the “protesting” punks, the ones who are harassing and intimidating Jewish students, weren’t even born at the time of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. But they grew up seeing TV “news,” hearing their parents’ accepting of TSA molesting and anti-Middle East/Muslim attitudes. The young generation only knows collectivist mindset now. 

And it seems the young people are now switching that collectivist antagonism toward certain groups from Muslims over to Jews.

So it appears as though many of these young robots can’t distinguish between what the Israeli government and military are doing and Jewish people in general. Like if someone here in the good ol’ USSA is Jewish therefore that person is responsible for, or shares responsibility with Israeli military murdering Palestinians in Gaza. That seems to be the thinking on these college campuses.

And it’s also an American thing, or maybe a Western thing, this collectivist mindset. On the other side of the argument over Israel and Gaza, I hear the conservatives on talk radio, and “liberals” as well, rationalizing mass murdering thousands of innocents in Gaza. But also many of these people accept the rationalization of the U.S. military bombing civilian areas of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and murdering hundreds of thousands in those places, for this or that reason. And Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq, all the millions there. And the half-million Iraqi civilians killed by sanctions throughout the 1990s, etc. 

And FDR, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush are NOT war criminals! Nope. Neither is “Bibi,” now.

I guess Americans in general, of all generations now including the younger ones, are just brainwashed with the collectivist mindset, so that even the young college-aged people are blaming Jews in general for the murderous violence perpetrated by the Israeli military and “Bibi,” that guy.

Some of the college campus “protesters” are yelling at Jewish students, intimidating and assaulting and terrorizing them. I was in college during the first half of the 1980s, and I am so glad none of this crap was going on at that time.

And worse, because of the local police and DAs in these blue states and blue cities not arresting actually violent people, those “law enforcement” public employees (I will not call them public “workers”) are standing with violent people. The officials are aiding and abetting violence.

And people have a right to protest, but they don’t have a right to attack, intimidate, threaten or assault others. The violent and threatening ones really do need to be arrested.

Anyway, I don’t think those punks on the college campuses even care about Palestinians or Arabs or Muslims in Israel or Gaza. I don’t think they care about anything but getting their next bong hit, their xanax and their zoloft, etc. And, like the zombie adults now, the youngins can’t let go of their stupid little electronic gadgets, their “smart” phones, can’t stop staring into their little screens and being hypnotized like zombies. (It wouldn’t surprise me if the gubmint “security” apparatchiks are infiltrating the social media to hypnotize and reinforce the youngins’ need to act out their rage against innocent people. Gubmint “workers” are mainly psychopaths, you know.)

So the “students” are in college but they probably couldn’t care less about their studies, working on their term papers, or actually learning anything new other than the crap they’ve already been indoctrinated with from middle school and high school, the race-obsessed and “LGBT” and sex deviancy crap.

No, they just like to yell and scream and lash out at other people and get away with it. They are punks and hooligans, just like the commie blue city DAs and police chiefs.

So we need people on the college campuses who actually advocate peace and freedom, and promote the writings and philosophy of Murray Rothbard, Leonard E. Read and Larken Rose. Yup.

More News and Commentary

George Ford Smith ( We Need to Do with the State What We Have Done to Slavery

Jacob Hornberger ( A Warped View of Patriotism on Pat Tillman

James Bovard ( Senator Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy

Ron Paul ( Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

L. Reichard White ( Voir Dire, Jury Nullification, Dred Scott & Donald Trump

Craig Murray ( The Farce of Diplomatic Assurances

Dave DeCamp ( Senate Passes $95 Billion Foreign Military Aid Bill

Jonathan Van Maren ( Young, Healthy Women Being Euthanized in the Netherlands Should Be a Warning for Canada

Sophia Bringman ( Murray Rothbard Understood the Importance of Self-Ownership

Ted Galen Carpenter ( Yet Another Drug War Failure

Thomas DiLorenzo ( Can John C. Calhoun Save America?

Anti-Freedom, Anti-America U.S. Congress

The U.S. senate passed the bill to renew the FISA unconstitutional illegal spying on Americans, which is treasonous on the face of it. 

Not only that, but there is a part of the bill (that fascist Biden will sign into law) that “makes all Americans spies” who can or will spy on each other and turn neighbors, coworkers, ex-boyfriends in to the gubmint. The illegal surveillance law will enable the NSA to “take over the Internet,” according to Edward Snowden.

Nazi Germany much? See Robert Gellately’s book, Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany, on how the Nazi regime turned ordinary citizens into spies, informants and tattletales against innocent fellow citizens.

The CONgress also is going to steal more money from you and give it over to corrupt Zelensky hooligans in Ukraine, as well as giving more to Israel in its slaughter of thousands of innocents in Gaza.

And Marjorie Taylor Groan along with Thomas Massie are again trying to oust House speaker Mike Johnson, the “dufus Speaker,” as David Stockman referred to him

Dufus Speaker Johnson has turned traitor in the House after breaking one promise after another. As Groan had asked, what do they have on him? It seems to me that Johnson would have to be blackmailed or just outright threatened to turn as he has in such an about face, corrupt manner. (I think Rethuglicans are being blackmailed into sabotaging their majority in the House to give it back to Democrats before the 2024 elections.)

Dufus Speaker Johnson still hasn’t gotten the regime to release all 40,000+ hours of January 6th surveillance video, the video which would reveal who the real instigators of rioting and violence on that day were. Officials are probably afraid that FBI “informants” (like, dozens of them?) might be recognized and exposed. Hmm, we can’t have that now, can we?

You like all this, Voters? Sean Hannitard on the radio is continuing to urge his ditto-heads to do just what the Democrats do, early voting (i.e. early cheating) and mail-in voting (i.e. mail-in cheating), and ballot harvesting. These voting and election fanatics are desperate now. Whereas, the real answers are more with non-voting, nullification, decentralization and freedom.

Speaking of freedom, the other day I heard Jeff Kuhner saying the U.S. Constitution doesn’t apply to foreigners. Well, the Bill of Rights applies to all people. Those first 10 Amendments are an enumeration of only some certain rights, among others, that all people have inherently, rights which pre-exist the formation of any government, and pre-exist the formation of any nation as well. It is a set of rules for government that it may not violate.

So, if the rights to freedom of speech, the press, and religion, the right to criticize the corrupt criminal regime, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to due process and the right to face one’s accuser in a court and to a trial by jury of one’s peers, are unalienable and inherent, then ALL human beings have those rights, not just “citizens,” “Americans,” “taxpayers” etc. Right, Kuhner?

So anyway, the Rethugs are helping the Democrats to further turn America into Nazi Germany, East Germany with the Stasi crap, and commie Soviet Union. It is time to repeal the income tax and IRS, the CIA, NSA, CIA, and all the other totalitarian bureaus of criminality in Washington.

News and Opinion Obviously Not from Regime Media

Rudolph Kohn ( A Positive Feedback Loop of Power-Grabbing

A Midwestern Doctor ( What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? Exploring the Forgotten but Critically Important Science of Zeta Potential

Laurence Vance ( How Long Should the Workweek Be? and The Case for Libertarian Internationalism

Thomas DiLorenzo ( Root of All Evil

Jonathan Newman ( What Are Mises’s Six Lessons?

Ryan McMaken ( Tariffs Are Taxes on Americans—But Protectionists Pretend Otherwise

Ron Paul ( FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security

Jeffrey Tucker ( Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

Jacob Hornberger ( How About Just Cracking Down to Win the Drug War?

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies ( A Brief History of Kill Lists, from Langley to Lavender

Joseph Mercola ( America’s Infant Mortality Rate Increases for the First Time in 20 Years , and SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Brandon Smith ( The Political Left Has Proven Beyond a Doubt That They Are Authoritarians

Margaret Flavin ( Attorneys General of More Than a Dozen States Allege Bank of America is ‘De-Banking’ Conservatives

John Leake ( Bedfellows: Pharma and U.S. Gov. Agencies

James Bovard ( One Hundred Years of IRS Political Targeting, and (  Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?

Jacob Sullum ( A Florida Judge Says $165,000 in Fines for 3 Minor Code Violations Is Not ‘Excessive’

Ted Snider ( Biden’s Irresponsible War Doctrine Led to Iran’s Attack on Israel

Aaron Maté ( Seeking Middle East ‘Quiet’, Biden Fuels Regional Carnage

More Articles Covering USSA, Amerika

James Bovard ( The Great Escape from Government Schools?

Fred Reed ( Enlisting in the Military: A Very, Very Bad Idea

Donald Jeffries ( The American Tax Racket: Involuntary Extortion on a Grand Scale

Andrew Napolitano ( The CIA Wants More Power to Spy on Americans!

Will Porter ( House Votes To Extend Warrantless Spying Powers

Jeffrey Tucker ( The Deep State Prepares for a Trump Victory

Ron Paul ( McConnell Cannot Stop the Non-Interventionist Tide

Richard Ebeling ( Interventionism, Not Capitalism, Has Caused Our Economic Problems

Michael Boldin ( 10 States and Counting: 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act

Jacob Hornberger ( Fauci! Fauci! Fauci!

Mihai Macovei ( The Rise of Populism Reflects the Decline in Individual Freedom

Michael Nevradakis ( ‘Misleading’ Letter Urges Support for Pandemic Treaty, as Louisiana Becomes First U.S. State to Reject WHO Power Grab

Thomas DiLorenzo ( Palestinian Confederates

John Weeks ( Diagnosing Israel’s Imperial Narcissism

John Leake ( Why Aren’t Daszak and Baric Arrested? Evidence that Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric Created SARS-CoV-2

Jim Hoft ( Sen. Rand Paul: 15 Federal Agencies Knew in 2018 that Wuhan Lab Was Trying to Create COVID 19

Charles Burris ( The Early CIA: A Select Retrospective View

The Post Millennial ( Former FBI / CIA employee says approx 20 undercover agents in J6 crowd, boasts about taking away Alex Jones’ money: Sound Investigations

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